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Services offered at KLC Rockwall

At KLC Rockwall, we have specialists providing formal, standardized and play-based evaluations in the following areas: speech, language, fluency, receptive and expressive language, pragmatic language, orofacial myofunctional disorders, feeding, tethered oral tissues, and psychoeducational evaluations.

Formal & Standardized Evaluations

Treatment and parent education are provided in the following areas: Articulation/Phonology, Augmentative & Alternative Communication, Autism, Cleft Palate, Developmental Delay, Dysarthria, Expressive Language, Fluency/Stuttering, Frontal and Lateral Lisp, Oral Motor/Sensory, Pragmatic Language (Social Skills), Receptive Language

Speech & Language Therapy

Feeding therapy is implemented by specifically trained Speech Language Pathologists and Occupational Therapists. Feeding therapy is a speciality within a speciality. Feeding therapy is extremely beneficial and strongly recommended if your child is having difficulty eating. A variety of issues can be addressed: Improving sensory tolerance to various food textures, Developing chewing skills, Increasing a variety and volume of nutritional intake to include all food groups and textures, Reducing avoidance behaviors during mealtimes, Decrease “picky eating”.

Feeding Therapy

Psychoeducational Evaluations & Consultations

A psychoeducational evaluation is provided by a diagnostician. It is a comprehensive assessment designed to evaluate various aspects of a student's cognitive, academic, emotional, and behavioral functioning. These evaluations are typically conducted to identify learning disabilities, developmental delays, emotional or behavioral disorders, and other factors that may impact a student's academic performance and overall well-being. Learn more about the components and process of a psychoeducational evaluation and consultations provided by a diagnostician.

Your day is busy. Between play dates, laundry, errands, and meal prep, little time remains for you to create opportunities to teach your child necessary developmental skills. There is also SO much information out there on when to start introducing solids, what solids to introduce, and ways to approach pediatric feeding, but sometimes it can be overwhelming especially if you are nervous about this next step! This is where parent coaching comes in. We are here to show you how everyday activities can easily be turned into opportunities for communication growth. Let us be your personal parent guide and show you the way to supporting your child’s development with language and/or feeding skills!

Parent Coaching

A preschool speech and language screening is a way for a SLP to observe children (ages 3-6) in the preschool and/or daycare environment to determine if they demonstrate appropriate understanding and use of expressive and receptive language, production of speech sounds, attention, and social skills with peers. If you are interested in offering speech and language screenings at your preschool and/or daycare contact us to learn more today.
